“Machinery of Progress: Charting the Capabilities of Capital, 1998-2023″ (forthcoming), by Peter John Lambert and Yannick Schindler. This paper outlines the data methodology. Please cite this paper when using information contained on this website.
"The Impact of Climate Disasters on Local Investment and Capital Reallocation" (forthcoming), by Peter John Lambert and Yannick Schindler.
What is the Machinery of Progress Project?
The aim of the Machinery of Progress (MoP) project is to bring measurement of capital equipment into the 21st century. By utilising novel AI tools, along with big data from administrative archives, we produce a high-frequency and highly-detailed measurement of investment and capital equipment powering the modern economy.
Monthly from1990 to present
Texas, California, Florida,
Colorado (more coming soon)
Census tract and county level
Down to 4-digit NAICS